Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 2: training

This morning started off with a lovely sleep in and then a great breakfast! After breakfast Sarah and I went grocery shopping, everything we need is super close to the hotel and very convenient! The plan for today was to be on range and be sighting in at 1 which worked out fairly well, we've rented two vans for transportation from the hotel to the hill. The facility is gorgeous with a brand new range which is almost the same as Canmores! The trails are extremely hilly, believe it or not hilly-er ( if that's a real word? ) than Canmore. Today the trails were especially icy but incredibly fast! There were a fair number of clubs which was great to see, there's even some members of the biathlon Yukon team here,it's really nice to see so many people at an event like this, it also gives us the athletes a chance to source out who our biggest competition will be leading up to the Canada Games. It also gives the parents and board members some ideas for next years Westerns that will be held at Falcon Lake. We've got a fairly large wax room as well which is very handy. Since we all race tomorrow today wasn't a big day for volume or any crazy intensity. After sight in we did a small mock pursuit race, it was a bit crowded but a good pre cursor for the actual race. Tonight we've got a big lasagna dinner planned and a team meeting later in the evening. Tomorrow the races start at 10:00am and finish right around noon, so we've got a fair bit of down time so we may do some more grocery shopping and explore the town a bit. It's not incredibly mountainous but there's amazing hills covered in trees and the country is beautiful. After the races tomorrow there's an awards banquet in the evening and everyone's pretty excited. So I got the pictures to load but they won't get to the right size ( I'm not exactly tech savvy ) so I'm thinking of making a Dropbox and posting the link, so watch your emails and the blog for more details!

Thanks for reading, Amelia


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 1

Hello from Prince George B.C everyone! We started our morning at 4:00 am in Winnipeg and boarded at 6:30 and departed at 7:00. The flight went smoothly without any hitches with one stop in Vancouver. We arrived at the PG airport at around 9:45am. We are staying at a cute motel called Grama's Inn that conveniently shares a parking lot with a Wendy's;) There's not much to say for today, The Mitchell's and I arrived early this morning and lazed about the whole day trying to catch up on some sleep! The weather when we arrived was a lovely -13 and sunny with no wind! Our rental car driver told us that we came on the coldest weekend this winter... We said its nothing compared to Winnipeg! The Fascione's, Heather ( the Red Lake coach ) and Matt are coming in later tonight. Tomorrow we have our official training day at the hill at 12:30, we are all very excited to see the brand new range! Until I can figure out a way to upload pictures this is the best we've got!

Until tomorrow, Amelia